This month our CEO, Ms Alana Anderson, has been trekking across the Spanish countryside, taking part in a weeklong, whopping 110km walking hike from Sarria to Santiago. We’re pleased to report that she made it across the finish line in one piece and had a marvellous time completing this incredible journey.
Prior to Spain, Alana’s first stop was a few days spent in Glasgow, Scotland where she was invited by Mr Duncan McDougall, Assistant Principal and Director of Commercial and International Business for Glasgow Clyde College to meet up and visit their College.
Alana spent an excellent morning with their Early Childhood Education staff and students who were being trained to facilitate Scotland’s Outdoor Play and Learning in Education stance. As part of Learning for Sustainability, outdoor learning is an expectation for all children in Scotland’s education system.
This is an excellent program and all Early Childhood Education students from Glasgow Clyde College are practically trained by some exceptional staff in facilitating this outdoor learning.
The time spent with these staff and students was very much appreciated and we’re delighted to announce Alana Kaye College will continue to work with Glasgow Clyde College in the future on this and other programs of interest to both parties.