Cloud Assess

Welcome to our new International Students

Earlier this month we welcomed our newest international students to both our Darwin and Gold Coast campuses with our Orientation days.

For our Darwin students, the day started with a welcome address from our International Operations Manager, David Thomson, and our National Operations and Compliance Manager, Linda Manning, where the students were given some general information about Alana Kaye College, and life in Darwin.

From there our Course & Field Work Coordinator, Megan, took over with a fun game of bingo with the students, where all the answers in the game were locations in Darwin we recommend visiting.

Then Linda took over with a fun ice breaker where she split the students into two teams, seated in a line opposite each other. Everyone holds hands and starting from one end, a ‘hand squeeze’ is passed down the line. As the final teammate in line feels their hand being squeezed, they must quickly reach for the prize next to them (a bag of Minties lollies/candy), before the other team has a chance to grab it. In rounds of 3, the team who grabbed the prize the most times won the game. The students became good-spiritedly competitive and had a lot of laughs in this game.

After the games, the students were treated to a very typical Australian morning tea consisting of various cheeses, vegetables, dips, breads, biscuits and deli meats, before breaking up into their courses and being given a tour of their classrooms and meeting their trainers.

Shortly after we had a few guest speakers from both StudyNT and NT Legal Aid do a workshop with the students, taking them through important legal information within workplaces and healthcare procedures, rights, etc. to make sure they are aware of their rights as a worker and an international student while studying in Australia.

To end the afternoon, the students were taken to the Melaleuca Courtyard and Kitchen for a fun immersive cooking activity, kindly arranged by NT Legal Aid. The students were treated to a personal cooking session with the Laksa House Chef, and Local Councillor, Amye Un, where they were taught how to make some cheap, simple, Indonesian-style dishes, which were delicious and incredibly fun to make.

For our Gold Coast students, it was a welcome address to the campus, to the Gold Coast and for some, to Australia, by our Queensland State Manager, Catherine Beagley, and our International Partnerships Administrator, Maria Cowell.

The students were treated to a welcome morning tea at the campus consisting of various tasty platter foods, like our Darwin morning tea, while also getting to tour the campus, see their classrooms, and meet their trainers.

A little later the students were taken on a short walk to the amazing Gold Coast Student Hub where they were given a tour and shown all the outstanding resources that are available to them for free whilst studying in the Gold Coast.

We’d like to thank all our international students for attending our orientation days. We hope you had a great first day and we are very excited to welcome you to our campuses. We’d also like to say a big thank you to our internal team, David, Linda, Megan, Brooke, Tammy, Catherine, and Maria for organising a fantastic day for our students.

We’d also like to extend a big thank you to our guest speakers from study NT and NT Legal Aid to the Melaleuca Courtyard and Kitchen, the Laksa House Chef, Local Councillor, Amye Un, and to the Gold Coast Student Hub and their wonderful staff.

Thank you all for making it such a fun and memorable day for our students. We look forward to seeing you all around our campuses!

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